Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfulness is a core component of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy . Mindfulness is not necessarily ‘meditation’ although it can be. Mindfulness is more of an acute awareness of the moment. Many aspects of DBT can be cultivated through mindfulness such as the acceptance of reality as it is. The videos linked below, as well as the text exercises (no audio/video), are a selection of the many mindfulness exercises out there to choose from. Choose an exercise to practice, complete it, and reflect on how it made you feel. Then choose another for the next day!
Mindfulness Text
Mindfulness Videos
How Do I Stay In The Present Moment When It Feels Unbearable? 14:51
Clear the Clutter to Calm Down 20:16
Sara Raymond from the Mindful Movement helps you de-clutter your mind to reduce anxiety.
Winding Down: Switch Off with Sleep by Headspace 1:25
A Headspace meditation that scans your body to help you sleep.
Mini Meditation | Appreciate Nature 2:37
Andy Puddicombe leads this short meditation that encourages you to notice your surroundings.
The RAIN of Self-Compassion 11:30
Tara Brach leads this guided meditation to increase self-compassion.
The Breathscape Practice for Cultivating Mindfulness 20:21
Guided mindfulness demonstrated with children at Plum Village gives you a technique to use when you are feeling overwhelmed by strong emotions.

Dealing With Strong Emotions 4:25
Guided mindfulness demonstrated with children at Plum Village gives you a technique to use when you are feeling overwhelmed by strong emotions.
Mindfulness: Being in the Here and Now 6:39
A guided mindfulness exercise to connect you to the present moment.
Breathing Compassion In and Out 21:15
Kristin Neff helps you cultivate compassion for yourself and others during this guided meditation.

Mindful Movements 21:15
This sequence of movement is paired with paced breathing to facilitate calm. The first 20 minutes are instruction on the movements and the final 12 minutes lead you through the sequence as practice.
Walking Meditation 15:00
This guided meditation is meant to be listened to while taking a walk.
Visualizing Tranquility 2:19
Guided Meditation with Deepak Chopra that will help you achieve a tranquil state.
A Meditation for Easing Into Sleep 22:54
A meditation that focuses on releasing tension in your body and letting go of stubborn thoughts.

Waterfall Meditation 3:21
This guided mindfulness encourages you to experience the sensation of a waterfall flowing over you.
Opening to Love Meditation 21:04
This guided meditation helps you open your heart to love.
Positive Thinking Meditation 40:10
This guided meditation helps you open your heart to love.
Calming Sound Bath 1:06:41
This guided meditation helps you open your heart to love.
Mindfulness on Waves 30:00
Thirty minutes of HD video of waves hitting the beach. Listen to the calming sounds or observe the visual.
Videos About Mindfulness
The Art of Stillness 15:41
Travel writer Pico Iyer espouses the benefits of sitting still and ‘going nowhere.’