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Category Criminal Defense, Weapons Charges
Thursday, June 27, 2024
If you make a mistake on a gun application, you might need a gun crimes lawyer to protect you from the serious consequences that can flow from a weapons-related conviction.
A simple, unintentional error related to your gun purchase might be enough to get you in trouble. = If that happens to you, you’ll need the experienced gun crimes lawyers at Randall & Stump, Criminal Defense Attorneys.
Even a misdemeanor weapons-related conviction could result in fines and jail time. In addition, you may suffer damage to your reputation, your job, or your custody rights. Call our Charlotte criminal defense lawyers today at (980) 414-5421 for a free, confidential consultation.
To buy a handgun in Charlotte, you must be at least 21 years old and must have a concealed carry permit or a pistol purchase permit. These permits are acquired from your local sheriff’s office by filling out an application and undergoing a background check. Depending on the county, there may be additional requirements. Typically, there is also a small fee.
Here are some of the most common errors made on gun application forms:
Failing to disclose past arrests or convictions can be a mistake, that could disqualify you from getting a permit. For example, if you were arrested for or convicted of domestic violence, a violent felony, or a drug crime, this can lead to a denial of the application and potentially criminal charges.
It is common for an applicant to check a wrong box on the form, which could result in the application being denied and further investigation in some cases. Read the questions carefully and make sure you tick the right boxes on questions related to things like whether you’ve received in-patient mental health treatment, renounced citizenship, or were dishonorably discharged from the military.
Gun applications ask questions using specific legal terms, which you must ensure you answer truthfully. For example, you’ll be asked whether you’re a fugitive from justice, and when answering you must be confident you don’t have any warrants for your arrest, even in a state you left.
If you make a mistake on the application, your permit may be denied. Should that mistake suggest to law enforcement that you were attempting to get a permit under false premises, or that you lied on the application, you might be subject to criminal charges of some kind.
That’s a serious matter and you will want to consult our gun crimes attorneys right away. Besides avoiding the potential criminal conviction, you also don’t want to be denied your right to bear arms due to an error.
Once you obtain a permit and purchase a handgun, it is important to follow the various laws that regulate their possession and transport. Even an unintentional error, including not knowing the law, can result in a gun charge.
Some common mistakes that gun owners make is carrying the weapon concealed when they don’t have a permit. If you’ve legally purchased a gun, state law allows you to carry it openly – unless in areas exempt from open carry, including private businesses that prohibit guns.
If you don’t have a concealed carry permit and absentmindedly place your pistol in a glove box and in a traffic stop the gun is discovered, you could be charged with a violation of the law.
All too often, gun owners have forgotten a weapon in a briefcase or bag, and it is discovered at an airport security checkpoint. Possession of a weapon at the airport violates a Charlotte city ordinance and can result in thousands of dollars in civil fines levied by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
Keep in mind as well, that if you are convicted of a crime after you lawfully bought a firearm, the conviction may negate your ability to legally possess a gun. For example, convictions related to domestic violence or protective order, or a felony conviction, will result in your inability to own or possess a gun lawfully. Should you be caught with one, you will need our criminal defense attorneys.
In addition to possible incarceration and fines, a gun-related conviction can touch every part of your life. You could lose your job or have trouble finding one because of your record. In addition, it could impact any professional licensing, an application for higher education, or your custody arrangements.
This is true even if the charge flowed from an innocent mistake on your part. If you find yourself facing a weapons charge, contact Randall & Stump, Criminal Defense Attorneys to discuss your case. Call (980) 414-5421 today for a free, confidential consultation.